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Strona główna » BIOCHEM-ART featured in the current issue of PFiOW: Interview with owner Cezary Góral (quotes and summary)

BIOCHEM-ART featured in the current issue of PFiOW: Interview with owner Cezary Góral (quotes and summary)

In December 2023 Cezary Góral participated in the Brewers’ Symposium in Kraków as a guest lecturer and his company BIOCHEM-ART as a sponsor of the event. During the event he gave an interview to Maria Joanna Przegalińska from PFiOW, which now features in the current issue of their publication (06-2023). Here you can read a few fragments and quotes or take a look at the full interview in PDF format (in Polish). 


About how it all started

After graduation, I started working at the Hevelius Brewing Company in the Gdańsk brewery, where I worked in various positions – as the head of the laboratory, brewhouse, fermentation and aging room, and also served as deputy director for production.

So I gained a lot of experience. It was a time of intense changes and modernization. After leaving the brewery, I started my own company, I saw what was missing in full service and service in this industry. As I already had experience and contacts among brewers, I focused on the brewing field with services in the field of specialized brewing additives and specialized food additives.

For me, working with partners is like meeting friends. We share our concerns and problems and look for solutions or new ideas for further development of the brewery.

Cezary Góral (BIOCHEM-ART)

About our brands and products

All you need to do is add water to our malt beer extracts and hop extracts, saturate the resulting drink with carbon dioxide and pour it. This is a particularly good solution for craft companies because they do not have to invest in expensive dealcoholization installations. All you need is a tank and a packaging machine.

We have established cooperation with DSM – a global tycoon in the production of enzymes for brewing and other branches of the food industry. To this day, we are the exclusive DSM distributor to Poland in the field of brewing and our cooperation is constantly developing.

…we started representing the British company Murphy & Son, which offers functional additives. It also supplies breweries, from craft to large scale, with all the necessary products for breweries – laboratory equipment, packaging, yeast nutrients, salts for water correction, carrageenan-based preparations that support the colloidal stability of beer.

Scottish company PureMalt – their product range includes malt beer extracts – an assortment of unique products on a global scale that can be versatilely used in brewing for standard alcoholic beers, for new beer trends and also for non-alcoholic beers.

British company Totally Natural Solutions, which has isomerized hop extracts in its portfolio. These are extracts of not only British standard hops, but also extracts of American and New Zealand hops… The company offers both extracts of single hop species and mixtures of mixed species that can be used to easily and quickly produce beers, e.g. APA style or IPA or other new trends.

In short, Biochem-Art has a solution to the current raw materials crisis [in the brewing industry.]

Maria Joanna Przegalińska (PFiOW)

Read the entire interview (only in PL), learn more about BIOCHEM-ART and find out the answers to the following questions:

Can we have a clean [standard] label when using these extracts?

And what about the alpha-acid content in the extracts you offer?

What are the economic benefits of using these extracts?

About small, great successes

There was an interesting situation is with a product that reduces gluten in beer. This is a product that was initially intended for colloidal stabilization of beer, preventing cold clouding of beer. The manufacturer DSM invented this product and initially they did not know how to introduce it to the market. This turned out to be one of my successes, because Biochem-Art was the first in the world to implement its use in the preparation for standard production in a brewery and the results were so good that they began to be implemented in other countries. This product is already a stabilised beer on a large scale – approximately 50-60% of world beer production.

To sum up this year, I would like to share how proud I am that our company received an award from PureMalt for the best implementation of the year in the Industrial Implementation Innovation category for the original use of the product for a new type of beer.

About how we share our knowledge and know-how

We cooperate with Universities

The University of Agriculture in Krakow with the Faculty of Food Technology. I am here as a member of the Faculty Advisory Board. I impart lectures and workshops to students as part of the Brewing and Malting specialisation, and I provide general advice to the Faculty.

I also give lectures and cooperate with my alma mater UWM – a month ago, as a token of gratitude to my home university, my company funded a research and beer production device for the laboratory for students.

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ul. Elfów 75, 80-180 Gdańsk. NIP: 5832688541

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Kartuska 10, 83-312 Egiertowo